Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Deceiving Moon (English Project)

The Deceiving Moon

The moon is bright,
Yet so full of deception,
It lightens our night,
But it’s only a reflection,
Under the brilliant moonlight,
We forget the sun’s contribution

We live in a society,
Understanding the fake reality,
Blinded by the beautiful sights,
Forgetting the pain of the poor labourers,
Forgetting their importance,
And living our lives in abundance

In a distance of only few hours of flight,
People are in starvation,
Wanting only a bite,
Of the food of our population,
Working all their might,
For a single ration

Poetry Project

Poetry Project

My poem is about world hunger and poverty. I used the moon as an analogy in the first stanza to explain the meaning of the rest of my poem. The other stanzas compare the lives of ourselves and the poor. A rhyme scheme is used throughout the poem to add more smooth flow to it while reading and also make it more interesting. I posted my poem on three famous poetry websites (allpoetry.com, powerpoetry.org, and poetfreak.com). My objective was to inspire people who read my poem, and allow them to gain more awareness of the issue.  I was able to get a few great comments within a day, and here are the comments. 
I also decided to post my poems around my neighborhood to spread the awareness of the issue. The first picture is the Carey Centre building, and the second one is a tree in a park. I put poems in several trees.

Later in the week, I thought of a better idea. I decided to make a donation box out of a interesting cardboard box that I had and place it in front of my poem so that people can read my poem as they pass by and donate money. 

First, I put my poem on the Totem pole, since it is a very visible place and likely for people to notice it. However, I was asked to remove it. As a result, I decided to put it by the side entrance of the theology building instead.
I was able to make total of approximately $40 which was little below the amount I have expected.  Perhaps the place I chose to put the box was not the most visible place. However, I was glad to see that a person donated a 20 dollar bill after reading my poem. I was happy to find out that my poem was read and ultimately helped the poor. It was an amazing feeling to realize how a single piece of paper can change a person's or even several people's lives. All the money will go to UNICEF after the last day of collecting on Wednesday. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Impossible Test : Inspired by "Sweet Like a Crow" by Michael Ondaatje

The Impossible Test 

Inspired by "Sweet Like a Crow" by Michael Ondaatje

The test was as hard as playing basketball with a bowling ball
Like trying to watch a live stream soccer game with school wifi
Like playing flappy bird for the first time
Like singing along a song you never heard of
Like getting rid of an annoying adware called conduit
Like trying to get a broken phone charger to work
Like playing a drum roll with only one hand
Like running 6-laps with a cramp
Like saying fried chicken in Chinese
Like sailing with a broken sail
Like having a roommate who never wakes up
Like playing an electric guitar solo without a pick
Like doing a bicycle kick on a concrete floor
Like diving head-first from 10m
Like eating an apple in one bite
Like reading a boring book
Like catching my sister’s frisbee throw
Like memorizing a snare drum piece
Like erasing a crayon with an eraser
Like trying to break a window with a balloon
Like doing a hole-in-one in golf
Like swimming 2 km
Like removing a jammed paper from a printer
Like cramming for three tests in one day
Like untangling a fishing line
Like trying to find a penguin in the desert in Egypt
Like catching a fish with bare hands
Like passing a yarn through a needle hole
Like riding a bike on a steep hill
Like keeping a flower alive for more than a month
Like getting a baby to stop crying
Like writing this long poem

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Shining Spanish Guitar: Inspired by "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams

"The Shining Spanish Guitar" by Noah Kim

So much depends

A shining Spanish

Beautiful resonating

Fills the empty

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"The Dandelion" by Noah Kim, a Poetic Response to "The Metaphor"

"The Dandelion" by Noah Kim

A Poetic Response to "The Metaphor" by Budge Wilson

Miss Hancock was a Dandelion.

The flower was so beautiful with its bright yellow colour.

It was always happy to spread its pollen,

And the pollen always flew merrily.

The otherwise boring process was so magically amusing.

But nobody would have known,

That this flower was so fragile.

As soon as cold days came,

The flower withered, and it was dead.

Nothing was left. Everything was gone.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

"A Misconception" by Noah Kim, a poetic response to "The Sound of the Hollyhocks"

"A Misconception" by Noah Kim

A Poetic Response to "The Sound of the Hollyhocks" by Hugh Garner

I thought love would last forever,
but it was heartlessly betrayed.

I thought I was superior, 
but I was absolutely powerless.

I thought I was important,
But I was just a tiny piece of the world.

I thought I was living for a purpose, 
but I was striving for nothing.

I thought people were smart,
but they knew nothing.

The Hollyhock was the only thing
that knew the truth.

I thought I could trust it,
but at the end,

It betrayed me.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Poetry Response to "Gentleman Your Verdict"

The Justified Murder
by Noah Kim

Stranded in the middle of nowhere
Are 20 people
With very little air
All so fearful

But only five can survive
And decision has to be made
people with wives
Are chosen to be spared

Many innocent people were sacrificed
But this was only done for greater good
Everyone would have died
If nobody was killed

Though this might seem immoral
This was the right decision
Many people were saved
From uttermost sorrow